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Beta Babe

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re: Beta Chronicles - Chapter Three

Beta Chronicles Comic Intro

From her past
she travels across space and time
to protect our future

To defend us from the unknown
To stop the unseen
This is her story

You are entering…The Beta Chronicles


There is no force in the universe stronger than the bond between a loving child and parent. It begins simply and grows in depth and maturity over time.

Death is a thief, taking what we hold dear, but not our hearts. Love and remembrance keeps them immortal transcending space and time.

Such is the fate of a ten year old girl with pretty auburn hair and emerald green eyes as she stares into a picture.

Loving placed by her bedside it is the first thing she sees when she wakes and the last thing before she sleeps.

Draped across the picture is the highest medal for courage and valor the Zeskons can award.

Behind, a flag from a state funeral, a symbol of her people, meant to honor this sacrifice.

“I Love you Mom” the little girl says as tears flow down her cheek. She stands there taking in every feature, recalling precious moments secured deep within her soul.

From downstairs Olara’s grandmother calls to her. “Olara! It’s time to go sweetie…you’ll be late for school.”

“Coming Grandma” Olara yells over her shoulder and then looks at the picture one more time. Olara then goes to her dresser, grabs a set of dog tags and looks at their inscription.

Varu, Zara M
A-727 D-99 H-4141
Marine, Space Core

Olara places the dog tags around her neck and under her shirt.

As she does every morning she kisses her mother, steps back and salutes.

In a very insistent voice “Olara we are going to be late!” yells her grandmother. Olara wipes her tears and quickly gathers her books.

She races to her door, opens it, and zooms downstairs. Always remembered, never forgotten, but life must go on.

Chapter Three – Awakenings

Dreams in stasis are always vivid and intense. While Olara sleeps she recalls the last thing she did before settling down for the big sleep.

Her father had sent her a message. All the other transmissions from friends, colleagues, and grandparents had already been viewed. Olara was saving this one for last.

OMNI: “Shall I play the message?”

Olara: “Not yet OMNI – I’m….I’m not ready.”

Olara paces the floor of her cabin room – occasionally pausing to stare at the screen.

OMNI: “Now?”

Olara: “NO! Sorry…I will let you know when.”

Olara stares at the presentation screen gathering herself to view the message.


General Ral Bre-Ton Varu
242 Airwing, Carrier Division
Zeskon Space Core

(Olara thinks to herself) Breathe Olara breathe it’s probably only the last transmission you will ever see from your father – what can go wrong?

Olara stares at herself in the mirror. “You are not very convincing” - she says aloud.

OMNI: “Excuse me Commander?”

Olara: “Ah…not you OMNI…I was talking to myself.
Olara positions her chair in front of the screen, plops down and says: “Ok OMNI – let it rip.”

OMNI: “What am I destroying? Or, are you talking to yourself again?”

Olara: “UMMM….play the message.”

OMNI: “Very good…now starting transmission.”

The screen activates showing her father in uniform sitting behind his desk in his Generals office. He looks nervous, concerned, and uncertain what to say.

Moments pass, he looks down, then readjusts his gaze back at the camera and begins.

General Varu: “All my life…I have always known what I should do (or) what I needed to do. Until the day your mother died.

I spent hours trying to put my thoughts together to say all that I needed to say so you would leave knowing that your old man is proud and loves you.”

Olara: (Looking at the screen and speaking Out loud to herself) “I love you too Dad.”

General Varu: “But everything I put together either sounded like a speech to the troops or instructions from a manual.”

(Olara giggles)

“I’ve made mistakes. At the time I did what I thought was best. Thinking I had to be strong for you when really I just needed to be Dad.

(Olara looks at the screen stunned by her father’s words)

Living with both sets of grandparents gave you an emotional support system better than any I could have provided you moving from post to post.

It also can’t be overlooked that your academics gifts would never have blossomed to their fullest potential had you stayed with me.”

Olara: (Talking to herself) “All I ever wanted was you Dad.”

General Varu: “Still, I could have done more…I…I see that now. “

Olara’s dad rises from behind his desk and goes over to a cabinet retrieving a special toy from her childhood. In his hands is a stuffed bear well worn, and faded from numerous days of playtime and nights of snuggling.

Smiling warmly General Varu looks down at the bear and then at the screen. “Remember this guy?”

Olara covers her mouth in surprise and feels a wave of deep emotion rush over her.

General Varu: “When you were little, this fella went everywhere with you. (He Chuckles) That is why it so worn. But you loved him and cared for him every day.”

Olara: (Speaking to the screen as tears begin to flow) “I remember dad.”

General Varu: “He used to keep you safe at night and help you sleep. When I went to the great war you were only five. You didn’t really understand what was happening – but you knew I was going to a scary place.”

(Tears begin to flow from her father – a sight Olara has never seen.)

Olara’s father points to the bear and then looks back at the camera. (His voice trembles) “He meant the world to you. On the night I left you hugged me and gave him to me saying – its ok daddy – he will keep you safe.”
Olara’s emotions overwhelm her and she begins crying.

General Varu: “He did his job honey…and for these 25 years since he has gone to every post and assignment I have had.”

General Varu takes a moment to look away, wipe his tears, regain his composure, then look back at the camera.

“Sorry….I…I must look foolish.”

Olara: (Talking to the screen) “No dad…you look awesome.” (Olara smiles at her father’s image.)

General Varu: “We both know that you and your crew are on the most dangerous mission our people have ever attempted.

The combined spacetime calculations and permutations are staggering. (Now looking at the screen) But they picked the right commander for the job – and if ANYONE can do it – I know you can.”

Olara: (Still crying, smiling back she says) “Thanks Dad.”

General Varu: “I have to go honey. Flight control told me you will have to enter stasis soon after you get this.”

Olara: (Looking at the screen longingly) “Dad….no.”

General Varu: “But I will be here when you get back and you can tell me all about your adventure with the Terrans.

Until then, I will keep something close to my heart as you have always been.”

Olara’s father reaches inside his collar and pulls out his dogtags. He then turns one to the camera so it can be read clearly.

It reads:

Varu, Olara E
J-909 B-21 R-7181
Astronaut, Space Div.

General Varu: (After blowing a kiss) Reaches out his hand so it appears like he is touching the monitor and says. “I love you Olara, be safe, and come back to your old man, I will be here when you get back.”

Olara’s tears renew and intensify as she is moved by her father’s tenderness. Only now, across the vast reaches of space is she closer to him than she has ever been.

Olara places her hand on the monitor matching it with her fathers and lets her emotions pour out. A minute later the screen goes black, then static, but still she holds her hand there – never wanting to let go.


(Olara smells smoke and begins to cough and choke)


(Olara begins to realize she has been dreaming as the smoke thickens and her choking cough now violently awakens her.)


Olara lurches forward. Her Stasis tube has opened in response to its systems failure safety protocols. Olara strains to open her eyes and look across the room.

Bright strobing warning lights pierce the smoked filled room as the loud and intense stasis alarm continues its message.

Olara finds the strength to climb out of the tube (the source of the smoke) but immediately falls due to months of sleep.

She begins again, pulling herself up and then placing her weight back on her feet. Hobbling over to a control panel – Olara activates the rooms fire suppression system and then vents the smoke from the room.

With the tubes electrical fire now out and the rooms air quality returning to normal – Olara begins to assess the situation.

Olara: “OMNI report ship status.”


Olara: “OMNI report ship status.”

Still more silence. Olara checks her panels and confirms that OMNI and major ship systems are currently offline. Before moving on Olara checks the status of her crew.

Only her tube had malfunctioned. All other crew members were safely in stasis – all except one – Xel.

Olara quickly checks time logs to put together what is going on. In moments she sees the pattern.

Omni and the Ship’s Systems were compromised by a viral attack initiated by the tactical officers authorization codes. This same attack initiated a new system reboot and activated Xel’s stasis tube.

Thirty minutes later Olara’s stasis tube power and control units were damaged starting an electrical fire. Five minutes after that the Wave Runner (Horizon’s quantum shuttlecraft) was taken.

Olara: Speaking aloud to herself “Xel, with all your tenacity and stubbornness I never thought you a traitor. Murder and Mutiny it is then.”

Suddenly without warning Olara violently coughs up blood across her console and feels extremely ill. Her hands begin to shake uncontrollably as she struggles to regain control.

Olara moves to a metallic mirror and takes a look at herself. Her face appears ashen, her eyes sunken with darkening circles appearing below her eyes.

Without warning she violently coughs up blood again. Olara begins to panic. What has he done to me! (she thinks to herself)

Olara moves as fast as she can to the emergency medpac and takes pain pills and injects herself with a stimpac.

The chemicals flowing within her allow her to move, concentrate, and take action.

Olara now takes time to get OMNI back online and remove the virus. Moments after ship systems reboot once again restoring most functions to normal.

OMNI: “Commander, the Horizon has been attacked. Radiation levels throughout the ship are at lethal levels.”

Olara: “Has the crew been affected?”

OMNI: “No Commander. Their stasis chamber shielding has protected them. Only you have been compromised.”

Olara: Olara pauses for a moment. “What is my status?”

OMNI: “Commander…I am very sorry you have received a lethal dose and will die.”

Olara: “How long….how long do I have to live?”

OMNI: “Your vitals indicate approximately two hours.”

Olara is devastated by this news. “What did I do wrong?” She thinks to herself. The Archons foresaw all successful timelines for the Terrans had me as the mission commander.

Was my decision with Xel my fatal mistake? As Olara begins to second guess herself the words of her father come back to her – “if ANYONE can do it – I know you can.”

OMNI: “Commander, a new threat has presented itself.”

Olara: “What is it OMNI?”

OMNI: “When my systems were overridden the ship was dropped out of our spatial corridor bringing us dangerously close to another black hole. We are now being pulled towards it.”

Olara: “Do we have enough time to bring crew out of stasis?”

OMNI: “No Commander….and…quantum and main engines are offline.

The radiation which flooded the ship was an intentional venting of Beta particles from engineering. I have found the problem and corrected the issue.

I have also determined our engines are offline due to part failure requiring physical repair in space.

Olara: “A spacewalk – which we also do not have time for.”

OMNI: “Exactly.”

Olara: “Recommendations?”

OMNI: “None Commander, I have never seen or simulated this problem before.”

Olara: “Omni…I am going to get into my suit to help shield me from the radiation. In the meantime start venting it back out into space.”

OMNI: “Yes Commander. But what is your plan for the black hole?”

Olara: “What is the status of our ships battery systems?”

OMNI: “Fully charged.”

Olara: “And our Quantum Drive is functional?”

OMNI: “Yes…oh…I think I understand. Are you planning to do a series of micro time jumps?”

Olara: “In your own words OMNI – Exactly.”

OMNI: “We will have to calculate for the gravitational pull and time slippage to offset each jump.”

Olara smiles and says, “that is what I have you for OMNI.” Olara then enters an uncontrollable coughing fit – spitting up just a little blood this time.

OMNI: “I recommend a second stimpac Commander.”

Olara: “Agreed.” (Olara coughs again)

Before Olara seals and activates her suit she injects the second stimpac into her body. Immediately she feels relief and carries on with her preparations.

OMNI: “Commander, there is one more thing you need to know.”

Olara: ‘What’s that?”

OMNI: “Xel took the payload we intended for the Terrans.”

Olara goes silent. Her mind races as she think about the impact this has on her mission to saving the Terran race.

Olara: “All of it Omni?”

OMNI: “Not all, but the main supply is gone. We could clone synthetic replacement – but that will take time – especially if we intend to replicate the strength of the original samples.”

Olara: “I think Xel intends to execute his plan all by himself – whether the Zeskons like it or not. Xel took the Wave Runner – meaning he also can travel spacetime – it will just take him longer.”

OMNI: “Why did he not just disable the crew and take the Horizon? This ship is much more capable of handling the mission.”

Olara: “The answer is you OMNI…he had to disable you to gain control. Once disabled however he would need your help to continue the mission.”

OMNI: “So he took the Wave Runner to avoid that problem?”

Olara: “Correct.”

OMNI: “Commander, I am ready. I have completed the offset template. It is now ready for your coordinates entry.”

Olara: “OMNI, I am hooking up my suit to your systems. There is a chance I may pass out from the cumulative effect of the micro time shifts.”

OMNI: “What are you instructions Commander?”

Olara: “Revive me if necessary and keep me going. We have to get the ship out of danger.”

OMNI: “Understood Commander.”

Together they begin. Olara finding the proper coordinates for the Horizon while OMNI adjusts them chrono - spatially. After a few jumps Olara comes to a shocking revelation.

Olara: “OMNI! I see 40 Horizon ships out there….what is going on?”

OMNI: “That is us Commander. Those are Horizon’s locked in time by the gravitational effects of the Black Hole. Every time we jump – we adjust – recalculate and jump again to gain time and distance.”

Olara: “We have only made eight jumps!”

OMNI: “That is true in our perceived timeline but in reality we have jumped 40 times and must vacate this space before I would need to reform a new template.”

Olara: “Jumping now.”

OMNI: “I know it can be confusing – but we create five new Horizons every time we jump – each locked in time and space.”

Stress, radiation poisoning, and the effects of the micro jumps now take their toll on Olara – she is weakening and begins to pass out.
Seconds later, a startled Olara jumps forward in her seat.

Olara: “What was that?”

OMNI: “You passed out Commander – I revived you.”

Olara: “Oh….sorry.”

OMNI: “There is nothing to be sorry for Commander…shall we continue?”

Olara: “Yes Omni.”

Feverishly Olara works at a breakneck pace to keep the Horizon ahead of its own time stream. Olara knows it means death, destruction, and failure if they don’t.

After what seems an eternity – finally the Horizon emerges far away from the Black Hole and now outside of it’s gravitational pull.

OMNI: “Congratulations Commander…we are safe.”

Olara: “So how long did that takes us OMNI?”

OMNI: “Well time is relative and if we analyze it from….

Olara: “Wait! Let me rephrase. How many other Horizons are there between us and the singularity?”

OMNI: “One moment….scanning. I read 675 Horizons between us and the singularity.”

Olara: “That means from our perspective…we…we jumped 135 times?”

OMNI: “Correct”

Olara: “You only had to revive me once – nice.”

OMNI: “Actually I had to revive you five times you just don’t remember.”

Olara: “OH. Well. Still five times not too bad for that many jumps. But that does leave an important question.”

OMNI: “What question is that?”

Olara: “How much time do I have?”

OMNI: “You mean before you…”

Olara: “Yes”

OMNI: “Based on my jump calculations and your vitals I would estimate 40 minutes.”

Olara: “How long to complete the space walk and repairs.”

OMNI: “35 minutes.”

Olara’s face grows grim – she had a plan. Get back in time to get into stasis. Then once Omni revives the crew Dr. Reon could treat her.

Olara knows the Horizon isn’t out of danger – if the repairs are not done now the ship will be recaptured into the pull of the Black Hole.

Olara: “I guess it does not look good for stasis.”

(OMNI remains silent). Olara unbuckles herself from her seat, disconnects from OMNI, and starts to walk across the room.

As she moves the room starts to blur and then darken. OMNI can we have some more illumination? Before OMNI can respond the room goes totally black.

Time passes.
The ship drifts closer.
Then finally…Olara revives on her own.

Olara: (Startled and sickened by the realization she passed out again and lost more time.)

“How Long OMNI?”

OMNI: “10 minutes. Commander, your condition has greatly degraded. I do not think you can complete the repairs without passing out again.”

Olara: “Meaning as is…if I pass out…I either drift into space because I didn’t tether yet or I fail to complete the repairs in time.”

OMNI: “Correct”

Olara: (Very emotional now, crying, she shakes her head as if to say (ok) and asks a rhetorical question.) “So…ah…what…what would you suggest?”

OMNI: “I have an idea.”

Olara’s head snaps up in surprise at OMNI’s answer.

OMNI: “I inject you with a portion of the remaining payload. It should give you the strength you need to complete the repairs – maybe even extend your life.”
Olara: “Will we still have enough to clone synthetic replacements?”

OMNI: “Yes Commander.”

Olara agrees, and before long she is in space completing the repairs the Horizon needs to bring her engines online.

Olara: “There. All done.”

OMNI: “Great job Commander!”(Olara smiles beaming with pride.)

Olara: “Can you bring the engines online OMNI?”

OMNI: “Yes…bringing them online now.”

Ships Speakers:


Scheduled Jump Commencing
Initiating Quantum Drives


Olara: In a state of panic. “OMNI what are you doing!”

OMNI: “It’s not me! It’s XEl! He placed a contingency program into the Quantum Drive System.”

Olara untethers and activates her space jets to maneuver to the docking port.

Ships Speakers:


Scheduled Jump Commencing
Initiating Quantum Drives


Olara: “OMNI…you have to regain control of the ship or I’m dead.”

OMNI: “I can do it – but I need time.”

Olara reaches the docking port and frantically tries to gain access.

Olara: “We don’t have time!!!” Olara punches in the hatch code with frustration.

Ships Speakers:

Initiating Quantum Transition

Once again the ship transforms from a metallic to an energized blue preparing for jump.

Olara: (Screaming) “OMNI! You have to shut it down – you have to shut it down!”

Ships Speakers:

Jumping in 5….(Olara – still screaming) “OMNI now!”

4….(OMNI – sounding scared) “I am trying!”

3….(Olara – pleading) “OMNI help me!”

2….(OMNI – sounding more scared) I can’t do it!”

1….(Olara – intensely focused) Try my override code…my override code!

Mark….(Olara – talking fast) 72799414…(the ship jumps before Olara is able to say the final number.)

Violently she is pulled into the spatial corridor with the Horizon but somehow is not killed outright. Olara is unconscious and unresponsive as she travels space and time at greater than the speed of light.

The miraculous happens. Beta particles, the Terran payload, and quantum fields merge within Olara’s body - tranforming her into something special, something powerful, and something unique in all the universe.

In time, Olara’s trajectory decays causing her to divert from the Horizon’s path into a time corridor of her own.

All is silence, all is peace, until time itself awakens and casts upon a Sworan sky a ball of fire heading towards a new destiny.*

*(See Beta's Green Lantern Adventure - Chapter 1)

The guardians look at each other in shock and amazement as Olara has finished her story. Many moments pass as they take in all the details of the incredible adventure they have just heard.

Guardian Krevon: (To the scribe) “Did you get all of that?” The scribe nods back to the affirmative.

Guardian Byrusi: “I believe our questions have been answered – and clearly we owe this Zeskon a debt of thanks.”

Guardian Paalko: “Agreed. According to this report* you literally brought back two of our lanterns from the dead and single handedly stopped the threat to Swora and Menos.”

*(See Beta’s Green Lantern Adventure for details)

Olara: “I wouldn’t go that far…I had Hal’s help.”

Guardian Zalla: “Not in the end. You proved yourself to be quite resourceful. Fighting a veteran lantern gone rogue, stopping mass genocide, and halting the advances of two worlds militaries.

I see lantern material here Guardians – what say you?”

Guardian Quaros: “I second your motion!”

Guardian Sayd: “All those in favor of making Olara Ereonis Varu a Green Lantern vote I.”

All Guardians: “I”

Stunned, Olara turns to Hal Jordan.

Olara: “Hal, what does this mean?”

Hal Jordan: (Smiling) “You are an official part of the core now.”

Olara turns back to the Guardians a bit shocked, surprised, and most thankful that everything is now straightened out.

She looks across the guardians once again with a warm smile and places her hand across her chest in a humbling way.

Olara: “You honor me beyond compare. I have seen firsthand what it is to be a lantern. The responsibility is immense. Routinely the fate of sectors will rest in the balance.

It is because of my respect of this duty – I must sincerely decline. (The Guardians appear shocked as Olara kneels before them) I must champion the Terrans and help save their world.”

Guardian Krevon: “Lantern material indeed. Olara, I understand your concern – and you are right.

But your ship is gone, the material you spoke of stolen or traveling somewhere in distance space. How do you plan to help them now?"

Olara: “The Archons of my world saw many time permutations for Earth. I plan to travel there and as long as I draw breath I will not give up on them.”

Hal Jordan: “Perhaps I can suggest and alternative?”

Guardian Quaros: “Yes lantern Jordan…what is your idea?”

Hal Jordan: “Maybe Olara can be a part of the Lantern Reserve meant to activate in times of great need.”

Guardian Zalla: “I see. This allows Olara to travel to Earth, your sector, and take up her cause. Meanwhile, perhaps she can aid us occasionally?”

Hal Jordan: “Exactly, in fact the core may even be a part in saving Earth in the future as far as we know.”

Olara looks at Hal and smiles warmly. Hal smiles back in typical Hal Jordan form.

Guardian Krevon: (Looking at Olara) "Olara, would this be something you could agree to?"

Olara: “Yes, with all my heart.”

Guardian Krevon: “Then it is settled. Under the authority of this council we accept you into the lantern reserve to aid us in times of need.

As a reservist you will be assigned to lantern Jordan’s sector 2814 and will report to him concerning matters of the core."

Guardian Sayd: “I wish to make one more motion before this council concludes its business Krevon.”

Krevon nods at Guardian Sayd and she respectfully nods back. Then Guardian Sayd turns and looks right at Olara and says.

“Olara is now a lantern and I move that her actions on Menos and Swora be recorded in the book of OA.”

Guardian Byrusi: “I second Sayd’s motion.”

Guardian Paalko: “I agree”

Guardian Zalla: “I call for a vote – Guardians?”

All Guardians: “I”

Olara is overwhelmed at the honor placed before her. Hal has told her firsthand how special it is to be included within the book of OA.

Olara: (Shedding a tear of joy looking back at Sayd – and then all of the guardians she says)

“Thank You….I…I shall always try to live up to the honor you bestow upon me today.”

Guardian Quaros: “As we know you will. Go now….go to Earth….and seek your destiny.”

Olara nods to all the guardians one last time sharing a warm smile to each of them. To her shock they all smile warmly back.

Olara and Hal walk out of the council chambers and after a few minutes stop to take a look up at the Oan sky.

Olara: “It’s so beautiful Hal.”

Hal: (Hal leans in to kiss her) “Not as beautiful as you.” (Olara accepts Hal’s embrace and kisses him back.)

Moments pass, then Olara looks up to see Hal holding Blink, Tsalu’s old ring.

Hal: “Ready?”

Olara: (Excited and looking into his eyes)
“Which way?”

(Still holding Olara – Hal turns and points to the skies)

“Milky Way Galaxy – straight ahead – then on to Orion’s Arm – and a then a little planet called Earth orbiting 3rd from its sun in the Sol system.”

Olara: “Ready.” Olara has placed the ring on her finger and now has donned the uniform of a green lantern.

Slowly they rise toward the heavens looking at each other as they gently rotate like a petal swirling in the wind.

Green spirals entwine them in a beautiful cocoon dancing as if it had a life of its own. Rising, rising, until it bursts into an emerald streak heading straight for Earth.

The Adventure continues in Beta Babe and the Justice Girls.

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re: Beta Chronicles - Chapter Three

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...but I got to the end of it. After reading all chapters of the story, I have to say it was well worth reading.

I'm curious to see any future stories, too. Keep it up.
Beta Babe

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re: Beta Chronicles - Chapter Three

Thanks Stompy,

I appreciate you reading all the chapters - and I super appreciate the feedback. Beta's back story (as you well know) is huge.

But now, moving forward Easter eggs can pop out in future stories. Also, future stories should be smaller as they are ongoing rather an entire backstory.

I am very glad you are liking the stories - that warms my heart and encourages me. I hope more of our sisters will write comments because I love feedback.

Please accept this large plate of cookies and pitcher of milk for hanging in their with me. HappyHappyHappy

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