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re: Going Jade Part 2

When you last saw me, I had just gotten free from a Brainiac pod in his ship, and was getting ready for something that I had never gone through before. Well suffice it to say that I wasn’t going to be walking off that ship, I actually had to fight me way off that ship, and that was something that I really hadn’t planned on. What didn’t help anything was that at times the opposition in getting off the ship was not only numerous, but seemed at times to be never ending.

Eventually I did make it to where I needed to be, and after I had taken out the gun, Oracle had me take out one last Brainiac robot before she summoned the one person that I never thought that I would ever meet face to face, Superman. Together, the both of us fought off wave after wave of Brainiac robots, and in the end, Brainiac announced that the ship we were on was a loss and for all hands to leave it. Personally that was fine with me.

Once we were finished fighting the robots, I walked over to thank Superman, however my voice caught and I couldn’t say anything to someone that was amazing and wonderful and who was willing to come help me. After he finished talking, I darted over to a teleporter and beamed down to the city that I was over, which of course was Metropolis. Turned out that I had been teleported down to the Little Bohemia Metro PD station, and at first the place was a bit overwhelming and hard to fathom what was going on. I saw that there were other heroes that were also there as well. Some of them were practicing battle moves; others were talking to different police officers.

After I had teleported down, it took a few seconds, but Oracle once again appeared in my Heads up Display, of course the one thing that I noticed was that she had no face, just a computer generated hologram. It looked like one of those plane faces that were used during the Greek times in plays that depicted what the soothsayer looked like, and this image really did look like that. Oracle guided me around the place, showing me the different things that I was checking out. During the tour, I remembered seeing my hands for the first time since the abduction had taken place and remembered that my skin was green now. However I didn’t know how to bring this up, so I just went with everything in the mean time. Right now I was just trying to find my place, trying to help out others that were like me, and those that weren’t like me.

Of course for me the action hadn’t stopped after I got off the Brainiac ship, I went right from there into my first fight which was against those called Gorilla Grood, I heard that I was going to be working with The Flash on this one, however it wasn’t till I was in Grood’s hideout that The Flash had been caught and entrapped by him. I got The Flash freed, but ended up having one hell of a battle on my hands after.

That however wasn’t the last battle either, turned out that I had to jump in for two more of them right off the bat as well. I was starting to wonder if there was going to be any end to any of this. However when I figured that I could finally take a break, that’s when I got the call from Oracle that would change my life forever. It seems that I had done enough to actually earn my way up to their satellite Headquarters, something that I had only heard about, but beyond that thought was a fairy tale only.

When I arrived on the teleporter platform, I was assaulted by a bright light and sound, a kind of sound that I had never heard before, like thousands of voices and the hum of a computer all working in concert together. Altogether the sound was something like that of complete harmony, and something that I doubted I would ever hear again.

I looked around in awe of the place that I was then standing in, seeing even more heroes that I had seen back on Earth, considering that I was no longer on Earth any more. Nope, I was on the Watchtower, the orbital satellite that hovered just between Earth and the Moon. The more that I looked around, the more that I noticed the details that were there, the technicians that worked there, even the ones at the teleporters, making sure that everyone arrived safe and sound. I did notice one detail though, for those that were teleporting down to Earth, they stepped on the pad and then vanished from sight. For those that were arriving, they appeared about a foot or two away from the platform and then either ran, flew, or walked off.

Looking around more, I noticed that there was a sphere of energy in the next room over, so I walked towards it. Of course at this time I had no idea if there was going to be anyone that was going to be meeting me or what was going on. However the moment that I crossed over a threshold that I didn’t know was there, suddenly I heard Oracle’s voice.

“You’ve done it; you’ve made it to the Watchtower. I’ve place an x for where to go on your mini map, just go there and I’ll be there every step of the way and guide you through everything.” She told me.

I did as she told me and walked over to where there was a computer terminal in the next chamber that I had been walking to. Mind you the chamber was huge, and I mean HUGE. Once I taped the screen, that’s when it came to life and Oracle’s face appeared on the screen and she started giving me a tour of the entire Watchtower.

The area that I had been in was called the Meta Wing, for those that had super powers like Superman and The Flash, and had Superman for a mentor. She told me that I was going to be mostly hanging out there. From there I was directed to the stores that were actually one level below me, where the vendors were located that had different wares to sell, and anything that I might’ve picked up along the way in battles that I could sell there to get cash back. After that, she took me to an area that was massively crowded, turned out that this was the area that held the Banks, Brokers, and Mail terminals. There were a lot of people there, this area I wasn’t a fan of, at least not right then because of the green skin that I had.

Overall the tour was something that I could never have believed for a second. I mean here I was, and I was just still trying to learn how to use the Green Lantern ring that I had gotten, it was during that time that everything over all was something that I will always remember for as long as I can. I got to see at the time, almost every part of the Watchtower, and even got to see some of the Justice League members in person. However it was the main three that I couldn’t get to see, they were up in the main sanctum area that I had no access to, at least not right then.

Once the tour was over, and I had gone through their R&D section, that’s when it had been revealed to me that the League was making sure that each of the heroes had their own base of operations to work out of. This right here was something that I didn’t even realize or think of at the time. I picked a tech type of place, one that was located near the Chinatown area of Metropolis. Personally for me it was the first time ever that I got to have my own place. You see I wasn’t from Metropolis at all; I was actually from out of state, the west coast to be close. I was coming here only because of the University and had been living on campus, at least till the Brainiac invasion had taken place. When I had gotten the chance, I looked up my status over at the school online only to discover that I was declared missing now. Personally I had no idea how in the world this was going to go over if the school administration saw me now. I mean here was this same girl Jennifer Hayden, but looking completely green, green skin, green hair, hell green eyes (once I finally looked in a mirror at my new base digs). I wasn’t the same girl any more that had walked onto that campus as a freshman two years ago. That and I had a glowing ring on my hand, one that I didn’t know if it ever ran out of power or not.

Now I wasn’t fighting crime or beating up the bad guys all the time, I did actually have a bit of free time between everything, and it was during that time that I actually got some ring practice in to make sure that I could actually handle the ring, not easy mind you considering that I was in my mind limited as to what I could do when it came to the solid light images I could make. I know that there was a few from the Brainiac ship that I was able to make, but beyond that, there really wasn’t much of anything at all. However during all of this, there was one place that I did like to go too just to gaze over it all and to keep everything in perspective, and that was the top of Lex Corps Tower in Midtown Metropolis. I tend to think that I was at times unknowingly pissing the hell out of Lex Luthor whom was in his office at times running what he had to run just to keep his business running. It was up there though that a few things would change for me.

“So do you always come up here, or is this something new for you?” A male voice asked behind me.

I turned around to see who it was that was standing right behind me, and the one that I saw standing there was none other than one of the Earth Green Lanterns. “Oh my…” I said as I suddenly discovered that I couldn’t breathe at all. “You’re Green Lantern, or at least one of them.”

He smiled, and I noticed that the mask that he had on was solid and not like it was painted onto his face like one of the other Green Lanterns had on. “Yes I am, and I can see by that ring on your finger that you’re a Green Lantern as well, and judging by the tone of your skin, I can see that you got some of her in you as well.”

Her! Who was her? That right there was something new. “Wait I’ve got someone inside of me, that’s doesn’t sound right” I told him as I got up and looked at him right in his white eyes.

He looked at bit confused at first, as if telling me this was something that even he didn’t know if he could do. “Look here’s the low down on everything.” He started as he told me everything.

Turned out that I didn’t quite know everything that had taken place, the reason for all of the powers that everyone had, you name it. Turned out that they were gathered from the heroes that Brainiac had gathered up on another time line after everyone had been defeated, was brought to our time and seeded throughout the world. It was thanks to this that I ended up with the Green Lantern ring in the first place, and no they had no idea if there was a time limit where I had to recharge my ring at all or not. Unlike everyone else though, I had gotten a little something extra in the deal. Turned out that there had been a prior Jennifer that had been a Green Lantern, however unlike me, she had been born green skinned and green haired with the green eyes. I got everything that this Jennifer had been as well. She went by the nickname of Jade, because of her green skin. Honestly I didn’t know how to respond to that at all. Her father was here in Metropolis with the Justice Society, but his daughter wasn’t. I was the one that was now looking like his daughter.

Over all this had been a bit much to take in when it came to how I got my green looks, but I figured that it was just one more thing to add to it all. I turned around and looked out to the city high above. “I usually come here to keep everything in perspective, that way I don’t get full of myself and do something stupid that I shouldn’t do in the first place, looks like this is one more thing to add to it.” I said as I sat back down on the edge of the building.

The Green Lantern sat down next to me, he had told me that his name was Kyle Rayner and that he knew Jade personally, that at one time they were an item, but that was a long time ago. “Look, I know that this is going to be a lot to take in, but how would you like to meet a group of girls that could help you get through all of this, and even teach you a few things that you would never have thought of yourself?” He asked me.

I looked out and down for a bit before turning to look at him. “Sure why not, I mean this whole thing is going to take time to get adjusted to in the first place, might as well have some help making the transition better” I told him.

He smiled and floated off the building slightly. “Alright then, time to get your introduced to them. Oracle, two for teleport to the Watchtower.” He said as I felt the tingle of the teleporter take us away.


 "Have Hope, I Do" -Blue Lantern Kyle Rayner
List of Characters:
Main- Timetracker2643 (Ultimate Justice League) - Controller/Bunny(Light/Will)
Jade2643 (Justice Girls) - Bunny (Light/Will)
Impulse2643 (Justice Girls) - Healer (Speed/Electric)
Bleezz2643 (Justice Girls) - Tank (Light/Rage)
Huntress2643 (Justice Girls Dark) - Bunny (Light/Fear)
Bleez2643 (Justice Girls Dark) - Tank (Light/Rage)
Inertia2643 (Justice Girls Dark - Healer (Speed/Electric)
GuyGardner2643 (Ultimate Justice League) Tank (Light/Rage)
Cara Lace
Cara Lace

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