Neon Gir1

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    Character Bio:

    Location: Power plant
    Time: Rainy night with thunder

    Scientist on a mission to find alternate energy.
    The experiment was going great and the energy was stable until an electric bolt hit the the towers and the electricity travelled through the wires. The wires lead to the power plant and overvolted the experiment. It became unstable in energy that it exploded.

    The explosion caused a blackout and pushed the scientist back. Once the scientist woke up, everything she got near to put out static electricity.

    This scientist took the name Neon Gir1 because of all the electricity and sparks she made.

    Thus, the story begins of our new electric hero Neon Gir1.

    *Queue hero music*
    No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em